Sunday, March 1, 2015

march 2015 wishlist | 3월 위시리스트!

Hey guys! I'm back with my March wishlist today - I know it's been a while; I'm so sorry! I've been dealing with some family issues for the past week, but everything is well now.

March is one of my favourite months because it's my birthday month. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) my birthday is towards the end of March, so I have some waiting to do!

Let's get right into it...

My skin has been intensely dry recently, most likely because of how cold it is and how high the heaters are cranked up. My dull skin really needs some glowy TLC, and I've heard that this primer is similar to the infamous MAC Strobe Cream, so I'm excited to give it a try!

Iconic is the only word I can think of to describe this product. The Laneige Water Sleeping Pack is undoubtedly a cult favourite back in Korea, but I never gave it a try because I had a skincare routine that I was happy with...I've been wanting to switch up my skincare regimen recently, though, so this is going in the cart.

3. Too Faced Sugar Pop Palette (coming soon!)
No link yet, because this palette hasn't been mass released yet! I'm a huge fan of Too Faced products, so this is a must-buy. The colors are so vibrant, bright and just perfect for Spring/Summer. Not to mention, I died and went to heaven when I saw the adorable packaging.

Another primer? Yeah yeah, I know... but primers are such a must for a dry, flaky-skinned girl like me. I've heard great things about this primer, especially for the peach color, which I hope will neutralize my weird skin redness. 

Can you tell I've been really into skin recently? I've been struggling with some skin issues in the past month due to stress and lack of sleep, so I'm kind of on a skincare and face makeup spree right now.

What items are on your March wishlist? Let me know down below!


  1. The laneige pack is SOO good! I definitely recommend checking it out!

    1. Hey Ha Min! Thanks for the recommendation, that just solidified my want to buy it! :D Have you been using it for a while?

    2. Yup, I've been using it for a while and I swear by it. It hydrates my skin so well and leaves it feeling totally supple and soft!
