Sunday, February 15, 2015

TESTERKOREA REVIEW & HAUL | sora meets world

Good weekend darlings! I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day, whether it was spent with your significant other or just bummed out on the couch with Netflix and Domino's (me).

I'm here today with a review of the online seller Testerkorea. Ever since I moved from Korea to the U.S., I've been on the hunt for trustworthy online retailers for my fave cosmetics from home. I'm really happy I gave Testerkorea a try. Site navigation is simple and easy - the site layout is neat and compact, with items organized into very specific sections based on criteria like brand, type of makeup, and type of skincare. You can even purchase large packs of samples for low prices, if you're unsure about purchasing a full-sized product before trying it out! I love how convenient it is. Not to mention - the prices are insanely low.

I experienced no trouble placing my order through PayPal and received a confirmation almost immediately in my e-mail. I placed my order in the last week of December, and my order shipped out in about a week and a half. It did take a while; however, I placed my order during a crazy sale, so I can understand the delay. What's important is that I reached out to customer support and received a reply in less than two days. Two thumbs up for getting such a quick response!

Once my order shipped out (I received a confirmation notice in my account), I received it in about a week, which is really quick considering I selected the cheapest shipping format.

Everything in my package came completely undamaged - as you can see, it was over half full of packing peanuts. Needless to say, I was relieved - I had purchased several powder eyeshadows, and I was scared that they would arrive broken. 

Testerkorea is also super generous when it comes to samples. I purchased only five items total and received a whole pack of free samples along with them, complete with an adorable "thank you for shopping with us" sticker! I can't wait to try out these samples and maybe repurchase full-sized versions of them in the future.

Here is the full list of everything I purchased (let me know if you guys would be in a review for any of them):
It goes without saying that I will definitely be repurchasing from Testerkorea in the future! Have you guys tried this website before? Let me know below!


  1. i just looked through the website and the selection is great as well! I think i'll be making an order sometime soon.

  2. Yes they have a huge range of products! They also have great sales once in a while...I placed my order when they had 30% off and it was super insane.

  3. My order arrived really fast, only 10 days aftet it was shipped out. The box was packed nicely and carefully. But I no samples at all. After reading many review on how generous they are with samples, i was really disappointed. T.T
