Tuesday, March 17, 2015

etude house spring 2015: fantastic color eyes eyeshadow palettes + SWATCHES

cr: hello_dec
Etude House has released yet another adorable collection, this time for s/s 2015! As with previous collections, Etude House has released some Play nail lacquers and mono eyeshadows as well - let me know if you'd like to see an overview on those too.

 However, what really caught my eye were these 6-pan Fantastic Color Eyes palettes, which are flower-themed and come with a variety of beautiful pink and rosy-toned shades

cr: hello_dec

Personally I think I am leaning more towards Rose Garden, but I think I may just have to pick up both the palettes just because the colors are too adorable to let up.

What do you guys think? Let me know!


  1. Awww, I can't decide either! I'm struggling with myself, but I think I'm also leaning more towards Rose Garden, I really like Cherry Coke und Hello Spring!

    1. I know right?! Too pretty and just so perfect and fresh for spring, if you feel :D

  2. beautiful swatches! I love makeup as well :)
