Wednesday, February 4, 2015

etude house "give me chocolate" collection + swatches | 에뛰드 하우스 기브미 초콜릿 발렌타인 컬렉션

IG @iaheun
Etude House has released a new limited edition collection just in time for Valentine's Day. Aptly named "Give Me Chocolate," this new line includes 6 new nail polishes and 3 adorable eyeshadow duos, all chocolate scented.

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The packaging reminds me a lot of the Etude House Sweet Recipe collection, but I love the slightly vintage-ified vibe this time around! I'm especially excited for the eyeshadow duos - you know I'm not one to pass up anything this adorable. 

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Etude House Give me Chocolate Eyeshadow Duos: Cherry Truffle, Salted Caramel, Cacao Fudge (L-R)
IG @mindyohi
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Cherry Truffle (Powder Room)
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Cacao Fudge (Powder Room)
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Salted Caramel (Powder Room)

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(L-R) Romantic White Chocolate, Invert Attraction Mint Chocolate Chip, Mental Boost Salted Caramel, Fondant Chocolate World, Devil Cherry Ganache, Spring Milk Cocoa
What do you guys think of this collection? Let me know!


  1. Gorgeous! Must get some of the things in this collection

    1. I know, right! What do you have your eyes on the most? :)

  2. These look so gorgeous! I can't choose between the three eyeshadow duos.... the struggle. Subscribed!

    1. I know! I'm struggling to pick my favorite out of the three, although I'm kind of leaning towards salted caramel though, for that adorable shimmery coral and bronze...haha!

  3. That green nail polish! It looks like turquoise, so pretty.

  4. beautiful. Now I have to choose what colors I like. great review ;)

    1. Thank you! I know, they are all so pretty, especially those adorable chocolate eyeshadows! Which products are you leaning towards? I'm glad you liked it - if you'd like, you can follow me through the left sidebar :-)
